ARC Broward is pleased to begin planning for our summer 2013 camp program! Again this year, in addition to our year round students, limited space is available for additional children (summer-only enrollment) on a first-come, first-serve basis to those children who meet all of the eligibility requirements based on the composition of the openings available (age/grade). Referrals for the summer program will only be accepted for children who, in addition to:- Residing in Broward County with their natural family;- Being between 3 and 21 years old;- Having a verifiable Developmental Disability, such as Autism;- Being medically stable and not requiring skilled nursing care;- Being able to be transported in a non-accessible van;- Will participate in program on a regular, daily basis (consistent regular attendance is mandatory)- Have own transportation arrangements to and from the program- Being enrolled in a Broward County Public School education program (children enrolled in private school with or without McKay Scholarship are not eligible) and- Not participating/enrolled in other child care arrangements- Are UNABLE to participate in any existing out-of-school-time program (i.e. denied enrollment or dis-enrolled) due to their behavioral challenges and needs, including but not limited to moderate to severe aggression, self-injury, property destruction, elopement, and PICA. In order to ensure that your child is enrolled in a summer program, if he/she does not meet all of these requirements, please begin to make arrangements for enrollment in an alternate summer program right away (as they will all fill up very quickly). Information about other programs will be available on the CSC website ( or by calling CSC (954-377-1000) or contact 211. Registration Request Forms for ARC Broward’s Camp CapABLE will be available on Monday, March 11, 2013 on our website ( If you do not have website access, you can pick up the registration request form at our main campus (10250 NW 53rd Street Sunrise – Building One Reception). Information regarding submission of request forms will be provided on the request form. Received referrals will be time and date stamped and processed in the order that they are received. Acceptance decisions will be made based upon chronological order of application date and in accordance with the composition of the opening including but not limited to age/school grade level. Parents will be notified about acceptance or denial decisions on an ongoing basis as the requests are processed (usually within 5 days of receipt). ARC Broward Camp Cap-ABLE is funded primarily through the Children’s Services Council of Broward with support from the United Way of Broward County.