When I was a young child, I wanted to be a teacher, but I also wanted to earn enough money to be “Middle to Upper Class.” So teaching was not my first career choice.
Since my mother was a bookkeeper, I chose Accounting and Finance as my road to wealth. However; I was soon to discover that when you go against your true calling, you will be unhappy. Back to school I went for my degree in the field of Education, where I stayed for 16 years. I taught elementary, middle and high school students and found my passion was helping socially and physically disadvantaged high school students realize their dreams.

Why did I leave my teaching career? Even though I may no longer be teaching in a post-secondary setting, I am still educating and helping professionals who work directly and indirectly with people with disabilities and other life challenges. I also have the rare opportunity to assist teachers in the regular education classroom, as well as inclusion classes, to have a better experience so that they and their students are successful.
This and each of the following blogs will provide information on trainings available that will benefit teachers regardless of the age and ability range of their students. I will describe the training and how it is beneficial to teachers and even parents/guardians, as they are the foundation of any child’s education.
They are the child’s first teacher, and the ones who can reinforce what the child is trying to learn. If both teachers and parents/guardians are on the same page, the child’s education will be more successful.
Join us for our upcoming Professional Development/Back to School CEUs Seminar featuring Dr. Mark Harvey on August 19 from 1-4 p.m. at ARC Broward, 10250 NW 53rd Street, Sunrise, FL 33351.
Strategy to increase accuracy and decrease latency: not much more needs to be said – this is everyone’s goal (teacher, parent/guardian and student). Dr. Harvey discusses Behavioral Momentum, the research, the application and outcomes. For teachers, there is a bonus; the ability to track and graph the data for MTPSS/RTI.
Behavioral momentum can be used as a classroom strategy or student intervention. My students and I would have benefited greatly from this workshop when I was lead on MTPSS/RTI and an Algebra I teacher for the schools where I worked.
It is a simple strategy that decreases latency AND increases accuracy! But, it can also be applied to behavior AND it is easily tracked and graphed. This seminar is of great benefit for any parent who wants a better way to help their child improve his/her behavior at home and improve in his/her academics. For teachers, it is a “MUST” attend for the same reasons but also to have the required documentation for MTPSS/RTI.
ARC Broward Learning Institute is dedicated to supporting individuals through quality, affordable professional development training and educational programs. In addition, we offer two certification courses including DSPATHS (Direct Support Professional Advancement through Training and Education in Human Services) and an Entry Level Culinary Arts Certificate.
The ARC Broward Learning Institute is one of three mission-based enterprises that supports ARC Broward with funds and providing employment opportunities for people with disabilities and other life challenges. For more information, visit (www.arcbrowardlearning.com) or call (954) 746-9400. Be sure to “Like” us on Facebook and “Follow” on LinkedIn.