Arc Broward Awarded $250,000 by the Mary N. Porter Legacy Fund of the Community Foundation of Broward Towards Arc Culinary’s Expansion

Arc Broward is honored to be selected as one of four distinguished recipients of a capital grant from the Mary N. Porter Legacy Fund. Through a highly competitive selection process, Arc Broward presented their intended application for the grant which includes the build-out and equipping of approximately 8,000 square feet of culinary facilities on the Arc Broward Regional Campus, where individuals with disabilities receive hands-on training and vocational certifications in food service.
This expansion will allow Arc Broward to increase the number of students who enroll in and complete the entry level culinary arts program, and ultimately obtain employment in the industry, which is a benchmark, and perpetual objective, of Arc Broward’s work in the community.
“Arc Broward has a great vision, strong leadership, and a track record of making a difference in our community,” said Linda Carter, President/CEO of the Community Foundation of Broward. “We truly believe in this project and its power to transform lives to create a better Broward, which was Mary’s vision.”
Arc Culinary currently offers one postsecondary Certificate in Entry Level Culinary Arts. With the expanded space, additional certificates and specialized programs that respond to the needs of the industry and students will be developed. The new facility will include teaching kitchen areas, classrooms, cooking and preparation areas, storage, refrigeration, and state of the art culinary technology. Student chefs have the opportunity to work alongside seasoned chefs, and receive hands on experience to prepare them for a career in the hospitality industry.
“Our goal at Arc Broward is not only to serve and support individuals with disabilities, but to create opportunities for our clients to gain and maintain financial independence,” explains Arc Broward’s CEO, Dennis Haas, “The expansion is key in our continued growth, and it would not be possible without community advocates and philanthropists like Mary N. Porter and the Community Foundation of Broward. We are honored to carry on her legacy of ‘creating a better community for all in Broward County.’”
Thanks to support received by the Mary N. Porter Legacy Fund for Capital Projects at the Community Foundation of Broward County, individual and corporate donations to the Arc Culinary Project will be matched. To support Arc Broward and make a donation to the culinary expansion campaign, visit
To request an interview with Arc Broward, please contact Sara Shake at or 954.336.3275.
Since 1956, Arc Broward has worked hand-in-hand with our community, changing how people with developmental disabilities and life challenges are embraced and included. This critical work ensures that people with disabilities, not only live, learn, work, and play in their communities, but more importantly, thrive. Arc Broward operates at 10 locations and provides 21 programs throughout Broward County, FL. Arc Broward’s three social enterprises — Arc Educates, Arc Culinary and Arc Tech — are groundbreaking efforts to transform the community by providing opportunities for people with disabilities and other life challenges to realize their full potential. To learn more or donate, visit or call 954-746-9400. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Founded in 1984, Community Foundation of Broward helps families, individuals, and corporations create personalized charitable Funds that deliver game-changing philanthropic impact. We provide leadership on community solutions, and foster philanthropy that connects people who care with causes that matter. Our 450 charitable Funds represent $180 million in assets and have distributed $96 million to help Broward BE GREATER. For more information about the Community Foundation of Broward, visit or call 954-761-9503.