Arc Broward Achieves Model School Status for Outstanding PATHS Program

PATHS Education Worldwide is proud to announce that Arc Broward has achieved model school status for their outstanding implementation of the PATHS program.  PATHS is the most researched Social Emotional Learning program in the world and has been implemented in 35 countries. The PATHS program (a skill-based program to prevent aggression and promote wellbeing) has proven in multiple studies to help students to improve social competence and school engagement resulting in both academic and social gains.  The cost benefit analysis conducted by the Washington Institute of Public Policy estimates that for each $1.00 the community spends implementing the PATHS program, they receive a return of $21.24 as a result the positive program outcomes on both behavior and learning.  

Dorothy Morelli (CEO of PATHS Education Worldwide) noted “Arc Broward has garnered this international award by mastering the PATHS Education Worldwide benchmarks.  Reaching these benchmarks demonstrates exceptional use of the program not only in the classroom but also improving the school culture and engaging parents.  We applaud the school’s administrators and teachers for the exceptional goal they have accomplished to implement the program with fidelity.”

The ceremony for the model school plaque presentation will occur in Chicago on May 3rd, 2018 at the PATHS Education Worldwide International Conference.  Seven countries will be represented during the conference.

For more information on PATHS Education Worldwide, see

If you are not able to attend the Chicago 2018 conference, please plan to join us in Ireland in May 2019 for our next conference.  To learn more about PATHS Education Worldwide, please visit our website at