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Event Category: Professional Training

PCM Annual Recertification for Practitioner and Level-1 only

Arc Broward 10250 NW 53 Street, Sunrise, FL, United States

Event Summary This intensive one day course fulfills the annual renewal requirements for currently certified PCM practitioners and Level 1 practitioners eligible for annual renewal. The course focuses on practice of the physical strategies taught in the initial PCM course and review of nonphysical strategies.  This class is not for Level 2 practitioners. Topics covered […]


Cultural Competency

Arc Broward 10250 NW 53 Street, Sunrise, FL, United States

The goal of this training is to create awareness, increase sensitivity, and promote personal reflection of the importance of diversity competency (defined as the ability of individuals and systems to […]


APD – Direct Care Core Competencies – DCCC: (Zoom or In-Person)

Arc Broward 10250 NW 53 Street, Sunrise, FL, United States

Welcome to the Direct Care Core Competencies. This course will provide you with information about the roles and responsibilities of direct support professionals. course enlightens participants on the many issues relating to abuse and equips participants with the necessary tools to help reduce and stop abuse from occurring. The purpose of this Agency for Persons […]


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